I've been a loyal Yahoo!Mail user since the 1990's. Regardless of how passe Yahoo!Mail had become, I've remained faithful. Then, I started to have a few
problems. Occasionally. Now with increasing frequency. Like daily. The final straw? Search in Yahoo!Mail is fundamentally broken for me.
I've developed a (perhaps non-standard) usage pattern for mail. Namely, I delete nothing, folder nothing, and rely on search to find and organize all of my email. My disk space utilization is in the multi-gigabytes. So, if I want to find anything, SEARCH MUST WORK. I'm consistently getting two errors:
- A system error from Yahoo!Mail. Not good.
- The search doesn't return a result that I know exists. For example, I search for emails by sender email address. I know a given message exists from a given sender, but Yahoo! won't cough it up. Equally bad.
I'm panicked because I can't find old email messages. What to do?
Solution: I'm getting off of Yahoo!Mail. I'm moving to gmail. I'm currently forwarding all of my Yahoo! email to gmail. So, sending me email to me at my Yahoo address should still work. (Hopefully, this feature won't break too!)
I wonder how many other Yahoo users are having problems with Yahoo apps and are abandoning ship? Yahoo might not be doomed because it lost the search wars. However, it is doomed if existing apps fail and its huge user base leaves for greener (working) pastures....
Now, if I can only get used to gmail's threaded email interface...